Monday, February 16, 2009

Science Posters?

My kids are finishing up a science investigation right now and they are making a poster to communicate their findings? I was wondering if anyone knew of a program so that the students could type up real science research posters the next time we do an investigation?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Agenda and Passwords

So, feeling a little bit lost, I decided to look closer at some of the 23 things and explore on my own a bit. In the process, I ran into some of the online teacher calendars. I am presently playing around with Assign-a-Day. Currently, our principal is asking us to send him our lesson plans for the week. I thought that this might be a good way to plan for myself and also allow my principal to see my plas so that I am not doubling my work.

However, while looking to continue with this endeavor I was reminded of one of the struggles that I have with all of these online tools- remembering my usernames and passwords. After three tries with delicious, I was able to login to my bookmarks so that I could find the website on our MILI page. After finding the Assign-A-Day website, it took me two tries to log in. I was wondering what others are doing to keep track of their passwords. When I'm not feeling lazy I try to put them on my blackberry, but I usually don't feel like looking up passwords on my cell phone. Plus, apparently looking at a cell phone while teaching is unprofessional.

Alright, that's all. Peace out...